Monday, August 13, 2007

Its been a really busy time for me recently, but that hasn't stopped me from producing new works of art. I have spent a while sorting out my sources and influences and have come up with some pieces that I am proud of. Towards the end of August beginning of September I will return to painting for a while.
'Scarlet Bride' - June 07 - For Sale - £35

This picture came from a magazine that I got out of a skip about weddings. I like the fact that it was not a white outfit that is more traditional.

'Joseph Turner' - June 07 - For Sale - £35

When I first came across Turner I was not impressed but I can understand the attaction in some of his work and for that I thought that it would be good to make him into a icon and accept that he is an influence after all.
'Turner's first job was as an assistant to an architect. At the age of fourteen he decided to become an artist, and began to study at the schools of the Royal Academy. His early work consisted of drawings and watercolours on paper; it was some years before he felt ready to start painting in oils.
Turner exhibited his first oil painting at the Royal Academy, Fishermen at Sea, in 1796, when he was twenty-one. Success came relatively early, and in 1803, at the age of twenty-seven, he began work on the spacious gallery in his house in Harley Street, which not only advertised his achievements but provided a more sympathetic setting for some pictures than the crowded walls of the Great Exhibition Room at the Royal Academy. Nevertheless, he continued to exhibit at the RA and, unlike a number of other British artists, he remained involved with the Academy throughout his career. He become an Associate Member in 1799, aged twenty-four, and a full Member in 1802, as well as being elected Professor of Perspective in 1811, and appointed acting President in 1845.
In his later life he began sending to the Academy exhibitions unfinished canvases which one contemporary described as being 'without form and void, like chaos before the creation'. He would then complete them in the exhibition room on Varnishing Days, virtuoso performances which soon became legendary'. from Tate Britain website.

'Colourful Rain' - June 07 - For Sale - £25
This is block of colour that make up the picture and for that it is raining.

'Ladyfaces' - June 06 - For Sale - £55

It has been a chance to use tinfoil again. I liked the pattern on the bottom girl's outfit. I used lots of colours to make this as bright as I could.

'Busy traffic at Dusk' - June 07 - For Sale - £40

It was an attempt to pass comment on the increase in traffic all over the world. This picture was taken in Italy. I like the banners of colour in the mosiac patterning.

'Decline and Fall of Mining' - June 07 - For Sale - £35

Drift mining and a politicial comment on the fall of mining in the UK.

'The Bride and her futuristic Groom' - June 07 - For Sale - £50
Another chance to use tinfoil and use a futuristic image to complement that style. The Bride came from the Bride Magazine. It was meant to have a sort of Black and white and silver effect.

'A Circle of Time' - July 07 - For Sale - £50
Going back to my use of watches in my pieces. Circles make a return as well.

'A view of the Heavens' - July 07 - For Sale - £50
A follow-on from the time piece and this time trying to be more colourful.

'Psycho Mafia' - June 07 - For Sale - £45
This piece was concieved when I saw the illustration in a magazine I obtained earlier this year about health. The title comes from an early Fall single and goes like this:
Spitting on the streets/Numb heads and feet/Nowhere to go/Won't let us in the shows
'Cos we talk about love/And the Psycho-Mafia/I'm talking 'bout love/And the Psycho-Mafia
No soul in the discos/No rock in the clubs/Won't let us in the pubs/And the city joys
Going on about love/And the Psycho-Mafia/I'm talking about love/And the Psycho-Mafia
Psycho-Mafia/Psycho-Mafia/'cho /Mafia/'cho Mafia.

'Dancing Faun' - July 07 - For Sale - £45
This is another chance to return to my interest in statues that use to feature in my poetry.

'Prophet of the World' - Aug 07 - For Sale - £50

This is all about the lack of Prophets in this world and how we need them more than ever. The Male image that I have used is meant to show how much of a state the world is in!

'Dream' - Aug 07 - For Sale - £35
This Schwitters for the 21st Century. Answers on a postcard!