Saturday, January 22, 2011

01 918 rsr 6301 413x300 Porsche looking to LeMans, not F1
Sorry Formula One fans, it looks like Porsche won’t be throwing its hat into your ring anytime soon. Instead, the German manufacturer is more likely to back a factory team at Le Mans, at least according to ESPN. CEO Matthias Mueller said that while F1 has some attractive aspects, it’s also very expensive. Throw in the fact that success is a good sight less predictable than in other racing theaters and you can begin to understand why Porsche is a little skittish about diving into the deep end of the motorsports pool.
Instead, Mueller says that there’s a stronger possibility that we could see Porsche return to Le Mans. If you’re thinking that Audi just might have a thing or two to say about having to go fender-to-fender with its corporate cousin, you’re probably right. Still, the minds at Porsche seem to think that having two teams parented by Volkswagen gunning for the checkered flag is better than just one. For now, this is all just speculation. Mueller said that he wants all Volkwagen Group companies to come together to discuss a cohesive motorsports plan in the near future.
01 918 rsr 6301 150x150 Porsche looking to LeMans, not F102 918 rsr 150x150 Porsche looking to LeMans, not F101 918 rsr 150x150 Porsche looking to LeMans, not F1

03 918 rsr 150x150 Porsche looking to LeMans, not F105 918 rsr 150x150 Porsche looking to LeMans, not F104 918 rsr 150x150 Porsche looking to LeMans, not F1

06 918 rsr 150x150 Porsche looking to LeMans, not F108 918 rsr 150x150 Porsche looking to LeMans, not F107 918 rsr 150x150 Porsche looking to LeMans, not F1


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