Thursday, May 24, 2007


March marches on and a new batch of piccies arrive. I have slowed down this time and so there will be more added soon as they are finished.
'Red Rhapsody' - For Sale - £30
A medition on the colour red. This is in the same vain as 'Church Music' and more will follow. Its good that the map mosaic is still with us.

'allegro' - For Sale - £35
This piece is using spare parts from previous pictures and is straight out of the 'Kurt Schwitters' school of collage in its most traditional form. The unfranked stamp was from a Christmas Card envolpe and the fact that the stars and stripes are upside down what does that mean? The map makes another appearance but it is not mosaic'd, interesting!

'MP' - For Sale - £40
Another twist on the theme of the mosaic'd map. The effect was meant to be a lighthouse beam coming out of the circle behind the girl. Cleaver?

'Bluey-Green' - For Sale - £30
For sometime now I was wondering if I took several different pictures and mosiac/collaged them together would I get an effect that I liked? This works but I feel that maybe it doesn't have a central focus, but it is something to work on!

'Quattro' - For Sale - £35
This continues the theme that has been running through recent works. I am sure that there is more to come in this style.

'Skygirl' - For Sale - £35
This picture continues the use of half a person, this time with more of the body showing than usual.

'Mallow' -For Sale - £35
Another picture which is more in the vein of Kurt Schwitters. The picture of the lady is Queen Victoria and the word 'plain' is from my favourite muffins from the Co-Op.

'Circle Cross' - For Sale - £35
This is the 6th in my circle series that will be displayed at Hove Methodist Church during Holy Week.

'Celtic Cross' - For Sale - £35
7th Cross in the Exhibition series. The Celtic Cross is the oldest of the Christian cross symbols and came out of a pagan symbol for worshiping the sun.

'Imitation of Christ' - SOLD
With Holy week on our heals, this was a picture that summed up the worship of Christ crucified to me. This was a girl in Spain which is very Catholic.

'Time Waits' - SOLD
This is a piece that is following on the idea from 'Half Time' and uses a newish technique in as much that the paper has been creased before being torn into the usual squares to make up the mosaic.


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