Thursday, May 24, 2007

Emperor Roulette

Picasso had his 'blue period' I am entering into my 'Map Period' all pictures since the middle of Feb have contained mosaics of maps and continue to do so.

'Map Circle' - For Sale - £50

Strong colours and a mapped out circle compete to make this a simple but effective picture.

'Off Centre Map' -For Sale - £35

This the first time that one circle on its own has not been in the centre of the picture. Two-tone background and another map circle.

'Stripes & Candles' - For Sale - £35

This is another picture using the style of 'Treasure Map Skyline'. The pictures were chosen at random and have a kind of empathy to their colouring which clearly makes this a stunning piece.

'Three Map Circle' - For Sale - £40

First in a while to be bigger than the scanner. This is based on a previous circle picture that hangs in my lounge and has not been shown on this site. Two different maps make up the background and circles.

'Twenty-Six' - For Sale - £35

A collage that uses all of my technigues from half faces to half circles, stamps and the map background. This was an attempt to showcase all the styles that I have employed in the last couple of months into one dramatic picture.

'Thirty' - For Sale - £35
This is a follow-on from 'Twenty-Six', it is almost to a formula and its still using the mapped background.

'Green Guitar' - For Sale - £30
This is the first of two Brazilian pictures. Being very fond of different types of contempary music it is good to see someone playing a guitar in one of the poorest areas of Brazil. Also because of the size of the guitar it was not possible to place the player in the middle of the picture and I like that!

'Brazilian Family with Map' - For Sale - £40
This is the second of two Brazilian pictures and shows a typicially poor family in one of the ghetto areas. Their clothes are very dirty, but yet there is still a sense of family about the pose.

'Hopewell Junction' - Not For Sale
This piece is deeply personal, it contains references to my life and I consider it to be a life map of sorts. The title comes from the top of the map section of the piece and Hopewell Junction is just above New York. Maybe I will get to go there one day. I have used scraps from previous pictures, medicine packaging, cover of magazines that I use a lot and a stamp. I will every now and again do another piece like this to see where my life is heading.

'Half Time' - For Sale - £50
Based on the idea of the 'Russian Egg with 1954 Stamp' picture. It shows how much we are controlled by time. If you look very closely the clock face is upside down, so what does that tell you?

'Yellow Map Music (Detail)' - For Sale - £45
This was an idea that started out as two smaller pictures but the idea grew into this shape. The sides are alittle bigger than the scan shows and there is an attempt to bring sympathic colours together. Also the Map appears yet again!

'Emperor Roulette' - For Sale - £30
This is an attempt to produce a piece using a circle, in this case a roulette wheel. The Emperor is slanted to one side as if being affected by the movement of the wheel. The background used this time was a painting of butterflies. 'Emperor Roulette' sounds like a good name for a popular band, I wonder if anyone will ever use it? If not I'd better!

'Bombay Mining Boy' - Present
This picture was constructed for two of my closest friends and I was proud that they said they would find a suitable place for it to hang. It goes back to a time before the maps came on board. It shows that young boys are still being used in adult jobs in certain areas of the world.

'Grip of Friendship' - For Sale - £40
This is a picture that shows a man gripping the woman's arm, rather than holding her hand. I wonder why that is, maybe she is not as keen on him as he is on her, that's life!


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