Thursday, May 24, 2007

Concerto No. 2

As promised this is a return to the Mosaic Patterning that I am famous for. There has been a willingness to use other styles but I will always return to this patterning as it I believe it is my signature.

1. 'Quiet Miracles' - This is an attempt to copy the painted style of the pieces that I constructed under the journal title of "5 Painted Pieces" from 12th Feburary. Most of the images used in this piece come from an article about the brain. There is movement in the brain and that shows itself in quiet miracles. The blue mosaic patterning is from a crumpled piece of paper and the lower green section isn't.

2. 'Concerto Number 2' - Another in the same style as the painted pieces and using a line to cut the piece into two different moasic'd patterned. The title comes from a magazine about classicial composers.

3. 'Florial Circles' - Circles have always played a large part in my art and this is an example of how the pattern of the circles in a way is hidden within the moasic patterning of the background.

4. 'Face Circle' - This is the first piece that I have done in a long time that doesn't have a boarder. The idea was to copy the style of some previous pieces, such as the ones about Marc Bolan and another about Kate Bush.

5. 'Imperial Circles' - This is all about the use of only circle to create the centre of attention and most of the circles come from a painting of Nepoleon Bonaparte.

6. 'Ceiling Appealing' - This is the clever use of two different Church ceilings being used to make a circle. Another half person comes into the scene to add to the human interest.

7. 'Maiden in Chains' - Another chance to use a black and white image within the coloured mosaic patterning. This piece was suggested by my friend Mark, who had seen other nudes that I had used in my art and said that I should do more with the female image. I am not sure that this is what he had in mind, but I am verypleased with the overtones within the piece.

8. 'Dorothy' - Created for a friend of Dorothy's. This is an attempt to improve on a previous piece that was constructed of Dorothy in 2005.

9. 'Smiling Dorothy' - From the same photo session as above this piece is for another member of the Dorothy Fan club. It is also an attempt to get back to the moasic patterning that was used in 2005 this time with images of underwater plants.


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