Thursday, May 24, 2007

The St. Lawrence

This month so far has been a time of experimenting and exploring new areas with my art. I have been working very hard on returning to the style that I used over a year ago and some of the recent pieces reflect this.

'Arc of Beauty' - For Sale - £45
This is a clear return to the style of over a year ago with the 'floating' image and then the mosaic'd background. The light of the image reflects the background greens and browns.

'Adam and Eve Hotel' - For Sale - £40
A chance to use two styles at once in a larger piece and this time the hotel sign plays as much as an important place as the faces. Some of the collaged pieces are famous paintings by people such as Tuner and others.

'St. Mary at the Cross' - For Sale - £45
This is a painted piece that is made up of religious images, such as Mary Magdalene and the construction of a church in Russia.

'Tanzania' - Present
This is a long piece that shows the male and female members of a tribe from Tanzania, called Barabaig and is a piece for a friend.

'The St. Lawrence' - For Sale - £50
This is an abstract piece is a tribute to Syd Barrett, founder member of the group (see close-up detail), Pink Floyd. It uses a style that has been borrowed from Kurt Schwitters.

'Measure of Folly' - For Sale - £40
This is another abstract piece that borrows from Kurt Schwitters, as this is the a first in a series of pieces.

'4 Stories' - For Sale - £50
This is an attempt to tell four different stories within one piece and convey the same message about life.


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