Thursday, May 24, 2007

December 2005 Pictures

This represents the output so far for the end of November and the beginning of December 2006.

All Seeing Eye - For Sale - £25
It is an attempt to breakout of the circles and produce a piece in which all the images are looking forward from the picture. The girl in the middle is not bald I just cut off her hair to make a more interesting statement.

Anne Stafford - This piece was produced as a leaving present and uses a picture that I took on a walkabout in Poets Corner. The whole piece was produced in record speed and had its problems. It was the first time that I had ever rubbed someone's face out, not once but twice. I was very pleased with the overall effect and it also returned to the use of the circle.
Decline of the Smile - For Sale - £35
For only the second time ever I have used more than one image. This was inspired by surfing the internet and finding images that were made up of multiple collaged pictures. The finished piece is slightly bigger than the scan but the scan loses nothing of interest. I like the irish farmer laughing juxtaposed with the girl's head with eyes closed.

Nativity, HMC Picture - This is a piece that I have produced to be displayed at Hove Methodist Church as a Thank you/Christmas Card for their support this year. The images are taken from a christmas card from last year and it is complimented with a simular background


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