Thursday, May 24, 2007

Joy of Swimming and Others

This is a selection of pieces that cover several months and different styles.

Joy of Swimming - For Sale - £45
This piece is taking the circle idea to its natural conclusion, the circles are made up from the same page of the magazine and complement each other nicely. The young girl had just been swimming and it was an interesting angle on her head. This piece so far has been most people's favourite.

Gunrunner - For Sale - £15
In the orginal picture from which the image was taken the man was surrounded by guns hanging from walls and on the floor. Most terriors organisations are funded by drugs and that is the reason that I had very cleverly used a field of poppies as the major part of the background. I guess that you could say that I am making a political statement again.

Joy of Music - For Sale - £45

The image is taken from a student on the London Underground. What I liked about the picture was the expression on his face. This was the second in the larger circle series. The mosaic patterning on either side is to represent the stereo channels of most modern music.
Trio - This was just juxtaposing three different people. A sexy image with a terriorist and an old man.

Beauty Posed -For Sale - £45

This was a real attempt to make the mosaic patterning more exciting, with the image. The image was taken from a woman's magazine and was choosen because she is not smiling. It is the form of beauty on a beautiful background.
Brooklyn Docks Worker - This piece is in the style of the old fashioned 7" inch single and uses the circle again with the brightest blues that I have ever employed. The Brooklyn Dock Worker looked so dirty and unwashed that I thought it was a great image to use. This piece took only three hours to complete.

Senerade-For Sale - £50

Discribed recently as looking like something from Sgt. Pepper, that is because it is directly influenced by the creator of that LP cover, Peter Blake. It was also a chance to continue to use more than one image in my work and move on. No circles!


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