Thursday, May 24, 2007

May Madness

Production has been very smooth this month and 14 pieces have been produced. I am very excited about the way things are going and very pleased with the pieces.

'Twice the Image' - £40
This image is taken from the same picture of the girl but gives an impression of different girls which is a nice twist. The background is more alive than usual and was an experiement that has produced an interesting result.

'A to Z' - For Sale - £40
Following on the idea that I have been using of semi-circles, I combined the 'alive' background from the previous piece.

'Moche Man' - For Sale - £35
This is taken from a tribal image of a Moche Man and in his hands are a weapon used to kill the enemies that have been captured as a sacrifice to his Gods.

'Venessa' - For Sale - £35
This is the actress, Venessa Redgrave and its taken from the 60's. Not only a very good actress but also a campaigner for human rights.

'Kerry' - Not for Sale
This is an image of my girlfriend and its taken from a webcam picture. It is the first time that I have used lettering in my work and its one idea that I will continue with.

'Tarrington' - For Sale - £40
This is a split image that has been taken from certain women's magazine. The title of the piece comes from the map that runs down the centre.

'Jacket Map Girl (A) and (B)' - For Sale - £50
This is the first time that I have made two pictures that are meant to be shown side by side that is why the map meets in the middle. I am hoping that both pieces being framed together in one frame would produce an interesting result.

'Peckskill' - For Sale - £35
Another collage that is in the style of "Church Music". It uses part of a circle that was cut out for another picture.

'Arms Folded' - For Sale - £40
In this piece the background of manly black and white has been used to compliment the image and shows a man who is both friendly and guarded at the same time.

'Purple Scarf Man' - For Sale - £40
Another youthful image from the 80's and the brave use of the colour purple in both the circle and the two side strips.

'Men of Electricity' - For Sale - £40
Great chance to use another interesting image from Japan as two half circles to make a far more powerful piece than the other half circles. I know that I will continue with these half circles for sometime to come.

'Church Piano Girl' - For Sale £40
Abstract image of a girl combinded with a piano and a church ceiling produce a very pleasing piece that relies on the black and white to give it its strength.

'GuitarGirl' - For Sale - £40
More abstraction this time making what looks like a 'cludeo' character from a face, guitar and a drawing of a house. Lettering in the strips make the piece more framed than usual but this is the desired result.


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