Thursday, May 24, 2007

Church Music in March

A new month and a new batch of works. These following works have more to do with the traditional style of Collage, although I am always experimenting. Most of the pictures used are from music magazines. I have tried to keep my signature style of paper mosaic in most of these pieces.

'Church Music' - For Sale - £30
My interest in Church music stems from the fact that I am an active Christian and attended Hove Methodist Church regularly. This piece is made up of sections from a magazine about composers.

'Goodsland' - £30
The title comes from the map that makes up some of the top section of this piece, it is also in keeping with the style of 'Church Music'. The face that you can see is of Brahms.

'Roche's Music' -For Sale - £30
This is the third piece in the same style and it is also named after the map section of the picture. I have a friend called Mike Roche and he is very into writing his own music, so it was nice to see that name spring out from the collaged map.

'ATLAN' -For Sale - £30
A complete nod to Kurt Schwitters and no apology for that. I have been experimenting without the paper mosaic collage effect and come up with this piece, also named after the large section of the map, also in keeping with the style of the previous pieces.

'Stables' - For Sale - £10
Another nod to Schwitters. This time using the same music magazine pieces and map sections. This piece is only mounted on grey 120gms card, hence the cheap(ish) price.

'Carmen' - For Sale - £40
The central piece is taken from a Victorian poster advertising the opera, 'Carmen'. I have used the same map colouring as in previous pieces to be in keeping. It is amazing that the background red comes from a plant grown underwater and that it is so alive and vibrant, considering the lack of light!

'Stars and Torn Stripes' -For Sale - £40
This picture is made up of two of the same images of an American flag seen on the beaches of France on D-day. The map is not of France, but was used as there was alot of water as there would have been on the beaches the day that the Americans landed on the sand to liberate Europe.

'Flag Map' - For Sale - £35
This is an attempt to continue the use of the Stars and Stripes as in the above picture. The map is part of America and it is a continue of the use of flags that were used in the second world war.

'Snakes' - For Sale - £30
This taken from an image on the Sistene Chapel roof painted by Michael Angelo. The idea behind this picture was a reflection on my state of life, but I realised that it clearly was not the case.

'Circle Baby' - For Sale - £30
The image of the baby was taken when the baby was on its Mother's shoulder and was looking at the photographer. I thought it would be nice to have the baby look like it was coming out of the mosaic patterning.


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