Thursday, May 24, 2007

This entry is a collection of some recently found works and those not published so far on this journal. There are still an amount of art from 06 that needs to be published within this journal and they should be entered within the next couple of months.

1. '2 Ladies' - This was an attempt in 2005 to use a picture that was solid in the piece and use the mosaic patterning as a 'frame'. Is it just a picture with a nice frame or is it telling us something, is there more to these ladies than we think?

2. 'Laugh' - This is taken from a large piece that was cut down to form what was the very first round picture, I ever created. I cut it out because the patterning of the outside was not in keeping with the colours of the circle and within.

3. 'AT HOME' - A chance in 05 to use text as well as pictures in my art. It is a surreal poem about friendship that was made up of text from a magazine and reads as follows:
'At home, discarded, tossed out with the rubbish. Two worlds meet, the songs are sad, wisely we use our scarcest commodity: time. People think I'm joking when I say some species, the isolated humans have such a magnetic sense in their compound eyes to use sound echoes to detect where you are, and the direction to your destination and substitue the veils of mystery to reveal answers that surprise and, in some cases, amaze.'

4. 'Half a World' - Half a girl, half a circle, all we need in this modernist world of packaging. The hair of the girl is salon ready.

5. 'Grey Monument' - Small pictures make up the incircle of life, on the outside grey life takes a greater place than it should. Travel, follow the map to peace away from the nightmare that is everyday life. Close a chapter and get on with everything else.

6. 'Majesty of Christ' - Cut down from a larger picture yet again. The centre is the centre of an ivory Christ. He is in his temple, all is well. Prayer is the answer, so pray to Christ for some answers and all will be well.

7. 'World's best nude' - This was my attempt at the cubist images of the early twentieth century. Climb into the picture, the pieces don't mean that there is a story or is there?

8. 'Men have more balls to play with' - The humour of the title of this piece shows that I designed this with a certain person in mind and that person knows who they are. It is unmounted because I decided not to give it to them. This is a man's world caprtured in all its morning glory. Wind, rain, hail the King!


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