Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Circles Cometh

It was during an attempt to make the central figure framed within the picture, rather than the 'floating' image that appeared in my earlier works that I came across some artwork on the internet by Gee Vaucher who produced Record covers for bands such as CRASS and others in which the name of the group and the title of the record was stencilled into a circle on the cover. There I thought I have my answer and so the circle was introduced into my work. I purchased a compass and away I went.

Soft Notes. Paul Richards is a close friend of mine from Hove Methodist Church and I wanted to produce a piece of art for him and his family, as they had been very supportive of my art in the past. I know that Paul has a great musicial interest and when I came across this black blues singer I knew it would be the right image. I was also very impressed with the results produced by the background, this came about because instead of using several different pictures I used only one. This piece was one of the first in a series of pieces I have produced that are A5 in size.

Dad. Produced as a piece for my Dad's 65th Birthday. I used a photograph that was over 20 years old. Using this new style of incorporating a circle into the picture, I liked the way that my father was holding a microphone and pointing. The microphone was in fact a shower gel holder! It has been framed and now has proud of place in my parents lounge.
Korean Boy. For Sale £15

When thumbing through my source magazines I came across this picture of a Korean Boy out in the fields with his family during harvest. I was stuck by his expression and the colours on his hat. The circle this time was made up of scraps from a printed map also found in the same magazine. I like the way that the mosaic gets lighter and lighter, further down the the image your eye goes.

Silver Lady. For Sale £20

I came across this image and wonder if I could have the right leg coming out or looking like it was resting on the edge of the circle and it was designed that way. I think that it works and I am pleased with the sympathic colours outside the circle.

Funny Face. For Sale £15
This was an attempt to add an element of fun into the pictures. This picture came from a stock photograph book. The background once again has been taken from just one picture.


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