Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pop Art Patricia Pops Out

The creative train rolls on and on. Since returning from my trip 'Up North' I have produced 5 new pieces and on I go. This time I have used only the patternation.

1. 'Circle Muses' - Hurrah! the circles return and this time we have a zodiac chart. The patterned background have slightly larger pieces than usual but that is none the worse for the piece.

2. 'Good Friday' - This is my Easter 2007 picture and I lost it for a while, but it came back to me I am pleased to say.

3. 'Pop Art Patricia Pops Out' - This is straight out of the book of Pop Art ala Peter Blake. I love this piece, it is very psychedelic and came from a magazine printed in 1969.
This is a scene from one of my favourite films, 'Yellow Submarine' I look upon Patricia as a naughty Yellow Submarine girlie. I love the use of a clock in the picture. To me the image is very clever.

4. 'Life Together' - This is an image that I created about my life with my girlfriend, Kerry. the dark circle represents the darkness of the world in which we live in. The golden brown and reds are the world in which Kerry and myself live in within the dark world. Kerry is the bottom abstract and I am the top one. Read into that what you will.

5. 'A blurred moment in a girl's life' - I like slightly blurred images and this gives the impression that the girl is in a hurry and she is carrying a small suitcase. Where is she going and what is her destiny? Interesting?

6. 'Bikini Girl looks out from a busy city' - The world is getting busier. I have created a world of bright reds and yellows of busy colours to my world. Added with images of wallpaper patterns. Yet in all the business of the city, there is time to spend relaxing and our bikini girl is in an uncomfortable postion, because for some, relaxing is almost a nightmare.

7. 'World of Harry' - Harry is an interior designer and he sits on his sofa, posing. He has David Hockney glasses and a deadpan smile. I have given him a window, is that the window on his world? It is an open window that invites you to observe him from within.

8. 'Clowning around the house' - A clown stands on one leg, his way of relaxing or all part of the act? Out the window is normal surbura leaking into the picture. You have two walls and then above the sky leaking in and below the earth leaking in as well. Where are the guys that wash their cars on Sunday mornings? Clowning around means to fool around and here is the clue to the theme. Life is rubbish, get out there and make fun while you can.
This could be your neighbours!


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