Thursday, May 24, 2007

Spiral Mystery & others

With the Easter Exhibition and the Children's picture to work on there has been little time for me to produce a lot of pieces this month, but here are a few that I have been working on.

'Times Two' - Present
This is another picture in the time pieces collection, This time the small mosaic pieces of paper have been scrunched up first to produce a pleasing effect.

'Gentleman's Circle' - For Sale - £35
This follows the pattern of 'Times Two' and uses a picture of a well dressed gentleman to finish off the piece. The ruby red of the left side of the piece is from an envelope and incorporates the stamp as well.

'Springface Out' - For Sale - £40
This piece is still using the scrunched up paper technique of some recent pieces and the added picture of a girls face was to give it a surreal impression. I like all the different colours and effects, because of that a series in this vein will appear.

'Twofaced' - For Sale - £40
Another surreal picture of two girl's faces and the fact that they are almost of the same size. This did start out as an idea of having a man's face and a woman's but I was unable to find the right picture of a man's face. If you look through women's magazine then you will see that most of the pictures of men are in black and white. One of things that I really like about this piece is the angle of the head.

'Clockface Map' - For Sale - £40
Using the same idea as the two clock faces, this time I have used half a watch and a girl's face. I like the outer circle using the text and yet not being about to be read. It was an attempt to use the clockface as our one uncontrolable factor in our lifes.

'Circlesque' - For Sale £40
Another piece that uses only mosaic'd pieces and has not central theme, except the circle. I like the fact that all the pieces blend in, even though they came from different magazine pictures.

'Spiral Mystery' - £40
I have a fondness for spiral staircases and this is a natural extension of the clockfaces pieces. It is good that this also contains a map and that the shape of the staircases has been used to its full effect in black and white. There is a lot of scope to continue the themes that I have been playing with recently.

'Stairstar' - For Sale - £30
This piece is the most abstract that I have done in a while. It was to use the underside of a staircase to its best advantage. The star is the first of many that will appear in future works. I leave you to work out the other pieces that make up the picture and hope that it will intrigue you.

'Half a Face' - For Sale - £35
This is something that I have wanted to do for sometime, and that is to have half the face covered in my paper mosaic patterning. It looks interesting and I am very pleased with the end result.

'Tommy Cooper'- Birthday Present
This piece is for my friend Ed's 46th Birthday as he is a Tommy Cooper fan. It is the first of many famous people that I hope to make into pictures.


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