Thursday, May 24, 2007

This is the most interesting change in my style ever, as I have decided to paint some of my newer pieces in a wash of colour and I have been very pleased with the results. It has encourage me to continue experiementing and producing pieces of interesting art. I will be showing more of the larger pieces that were produced at the beginning of June.

'Jesus of Modern Times' - For Sale - £99
This piece is the largest so far at A2 and shows the modern the attempt at the painted collage. This is the first attempt at showing Jesus in a modern day setting, a kind of second coming.

'Medal Map Man' - £35
This is a piece that uses an image from the Egyptian Army and the map is just abstractional.

'Airman' - For Sale - £45
This is continuing the theme of the armed forces their role within the security of our society. This piece was taken from a fighter pilot that has been involved in some recent action in Iran.

'Sally Army Lady' - For Sale - £55
Sally Army Lady is another large piece at A3 and using the colour blue to perfection. The Salvation Army bands were important in the promotion of Christianity from the 19th Century and are still going strong today.

'Rock Chick' - For Sale - £40
A chance to show a painted piece, that was inspired by the image of the girl as a rock chick. The faded face in the background is coated in a wash of colour to make her blend in with the rest of the collaged pieces.

'Madonna and Child' - For Sale - £40
Another religious piece that owes as much to the painters of the past than the recent images of the baby Jesus. The halos were asking for their colour to be shades of blue.

'Brushing' - For Sale - £40
Another piece of old master art that has a chocolate box appeal, its an attempt to recycle art into a modern piece.

'Pomegranetes in the city' - For Sale - £40
A pomegranete seller makes it big in a red city. The arch image bends over.

'Carnival Worship' - For Sale - £45
An attempt at using the washed images to be a major part of the overal picture. Using an old style with the new and coming up with a very interesting piece of art.

'Shearer' - For Sale - £45
I'd wanted to use this image for sometime and it was good to see that it was great once it had been painted

'Nude with Painting' - For Sale - £40
This piece was produced to show the difference in attiudes over the centre of the painted nude and the photographed nude. It makes for a great contrast instyle.


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