Thursday, May 24, 2007

DayTrip to CubaVenice

This blog showcases the first of many backlogs of my work from last year! There are about 60 pieces outstanding and due to terrible weather it has not been possible for me to photograph them. With a more postive attitude I am hoping to start a new blog with an idea of getting somewhere in the arts market.

'Secrets of the Earth's Age' - For Sale - £25
A collage that is very random with very little thought being given to the over all selection.

'Ingredients' - For Sale - £25
All the right ingredients to make a 'Schwitters' type collage

'Masked Artist' - For Sale - £35
First on the theme of Venice. This artist was on a gondolier and they are known for their masked balls

'Bowtie Nude' - For Sale - £35
The nude image was photographed through a convex mirror to achieve that really thin look. It is a reflection of modern catwalk models being so skinny.

'Arab North' - For Sale - £35
This piece takes its title from the map reference on the page from which the background came from.

'CubaVenice' - For Sale - £35
Keeping the theme of 'Arab North' this piece has images from both Cuba and Venice in it to make another fantasyland.

'Kate Bush' - Christmas Present
Based on my piece 'King of the Rumbling Spires' about Marc Bolan. This was a Christmas present for a fan.

'Train out of the Station' - Christmas Present
This is a piece for a railway engine fan for Christmas. The train is french but no telling!

'Herdsman & Hero' - For Sale - £35
This is an ancestor of Genghis Khan who won medals in the second world war.

'Basilica' - Birthday Present
An abstract using the idea of circle and line interaction to divide the piece into sections and create a new life within that section.


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